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Click here for the latest news about our library
Cokes Lane, Little Chalfont
Bucks, HP7 9QA
01494 764602
Borrowing Books
The Library provides a wide range of books including:-
up-to-date adult fiction and non-fiction (including large print)
audio books on CD
a big selection of children's and teenage fiction
a range of dyslexia-friendly books
a selection of graphic novels
periodicals, newspapers and local information
Books may be borrowed for up to three weeks free of charge.
Renewing & Returning Books
Books can be borrowed and returned across the Bucks library network. You can view and renew your borrowed items online. Click here to access the online system.
You can also renew by phone or in person at any Bucks library. Items can be returned out of hours via the library’s letterbox.
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