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Cokes Lane, Little Chalfont
Bucks, HP7 9QA
01494 764602
Join The Library
Joining the library is quick, easy and free. Simply complete our registration form and bring it along to the library. If you already have a Bucks Library Card you can use our library straight away .... more
Parking & Access
There is free parking alongside the library and in the nearby Snells Wood car park for one hour. We are a short walk from Chalfont and Latimer Station.
There is wheelchair access to the library and a bicycle rack.
Click here to find us on Google Maps
Opening Hours
Tuesday 10am till 5pm
Wednesday 10am till 5pm
Thursday 10am till 1pm
Friday 10am till 5pm
Saturday 10am till 3pm
Christmas Opening Hours
The library will close early at 13.00 on 24th December and then re-open from 10.00 to 16.00 on 31st December. We will be closed on 1st January and return to normal hours on 2nd January.
Film Nights
We show up to two different, recently released, films a month using our up-to-date audio/visual facilities. Each film is shown three times; there are two evening performances at 7:30 pm and one matinee performance, usually at 2:30 pm on a Monday. .... more
The Library provides a wide range of books including up-to-date adult fiction, non-fiction (including large print), a big selection of children's and teenage fiction.... more
New Books
Our book buyers are always busy looking out for the best new releases to add to our shelves.
As well as stocking many of the top best sellers we also respond to library users’ requests .... more
An Award-winning Library
Little Chalfont Community Library is a local library operated and funded entirely by volunteers, people and businesses who live and work in the village of Little Chalfont.
Although independently run and funded, we are part of the network of libraries in Buckinghamshire and provide all the services of a typical County library. You can use your existing Bucks library card or you can join at the library; membership is free and gives you access to all of the other libraries in the County.
In 2011 we were awarded the Queen's Award For Voluntary Service.
Little Chalfont Community Library is a Registered Charity, number 1154802